
Frequently asked questions

1. How do I download my files after making my purchase ?

Log in to your customer area
go to the tab "Order history and details"
Select the command you want to upload your files to
by clicking on "Detail"
in front of each of the lines of the references ordered click on "Télécharger"

2. Why do I have a text file instead of a ZIP or STL file ?

STLFLOK does not directly store STL models directly on its servers
We store STL models on servers Méga.nz
this is why you will download a file ".TXT (Texte)"
containing the download link to the "Mega" server.
You will then have to copy/paste this link in your browser
in order to download your file.

3. How can I download beyond the download limits ?

It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that they have access to Méga.nz
by a subscription offered by Méga.nz
or by a subscription offered by AllDebrid

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